Monday, August 2, 2010

I love Munich it is so freaking amazing! That might just be the litter of German beer that I drank talking but it is truly a great city! I went to Ludwigs castle today and it rained all day but it was so much fun. We made so many new friends and learned so many things plus we saw the castle that inspired walt Disney! After the tour we went to a famous beer hall in Munich with some people from the tour and had beer and I had some Bavarian pork. Best pork I have ever had. I would like to go into detail about Munich but I am yet again updating on my iPod and I am too tired to say anymore. Oh the hostel we are in is top quality I love it! Anyways be home in 5 days I will probably update in Berlin too! We go there tomorrow!!!

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you like Munich and I'm glad you went to the Hofbrau house...for yummy German beer! See you soon!!
