Thursday, August 5, 2010

berlin...nearing the end

Berlin has been great but I do like Munich better. we went on a free tour which was so cool and saw a lot of Berlin. we ended up doing the tour in reverse by ourselves and stopping in all the free museums. We went to the holocaust museum which was intense but very small and crowded. today we went to a concentration camp where the nazis perfected the concentration camp to impliment in other camps. it was very intense and i have not had time to process what I saw but just wanted to tell people I saw that and will probably tell you all about it in person in just a few day.
speaking of going home... I have very mixed feelings. on one hand I am ready to hang out with my friends and be in the comfort of my life at home and look forward to it. but on the other hand there are so many things I still want to see. I am already trying to figure out how I can come back. the lady I stayed with in Zurich offered me her apartment in the apls for free when ever I want it and it is very very tempting. I love Europe and would like to come back as soon as I can. getting a job and having a real life just isnt appealing! ok well that is all I have time for now. internet is expensive here!

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